Greenie World Unia Europejska

Savings generated on lighting replacement

LED bulbs give in a few years savings counted in thousands PLN

Thanks to low energy consumption, LED lighting generates very large savings, which we often do not realize. LED technology is the most financially efficient light source, because a small LED generates lights with power corresponding to the very strong light bulbs of old type. Therefore in practice, LED bulb 3.5W shines as brightly as the classic light bulb 50W. Energy consumption is more than 10 times smaller, consequently, charges for electricity could decrease by up to 80%! Below we have presented how the replacement of LED lighting reduces electricity bills in our homes or businesses. The table below shows a sample calculation of savings when replacing 50W halogen bulbs for Greenie 3.5W LEDs, assuming that energy rate is PLN 0.55 It is also worth noting that the Greenie products are subject to a minimum 2-year warranty, and their purchase generates return on investment already during the warranty period.


Tradycyjna żarówka halogenowa 50W Greenie żarówka LED 3.5W
Moc, pobór prądu 50W 3.5W
Koszt zakupu 1 szt. 1,50zł 13,63zł
Średni dzienny czas świecenia 5 godzin
Roczny czas świecenia 5h x 365 dni = 1825 godzin
Roczne zużycie energii przez 1 żarówkę 1825h x 50W = 91,25kWh 1825h x 4W = 6,3875kWh
Roczny koszt zużytej energii 50,18zł 3,51zł
Roczna oszczędność z wymiany JEDNEJ żarówki (różnica w zużyciu żarówki tradycyjnej oraz LED) 50,18zł – 3,51zł = 46,67zł
Zwrot kosztów zakupu 13,63zł/46,67zł = 0,29 roku = 3.5 miesiąca
Gwarancja: 2 lata


When it comes to industrial or street lighting – the situation is as in the following table. In this case the energy savings are very large, because Greenie LED lights requires no ballast, reactors and other power consuming devices of this type for proper operation. The calculations also assumed prices for energy at the level of PLN 0.55.


Żarówka sodowa 250W Greenie LED żarówka AluCorn 86W
Moc, pobór prądu 250W + 50W balast = 300W 86W
Koszt zakupu 1 szt. 70zł 750zł
Średni dzienny czas świecenia 12 godzin
Roczny czas świecenia 12h x 365 dni = 4380 godzin
Roczne zużycie energii przez 1 żarówkę 4380h x 300W = 1314kWh 4380h x 86W = 376,68kWh
Roczny koszt zużytej energii 722,70zł 207,17zł
Roczna oszczędność z wymiany JEDNEJ żarówki (różnica w zużyciu żarówki tradycyjnej oraz LED) 722,70zł – 207,17zł = 515,53zł
Zwrot kosztów zakupu 750zł/515,53zł = 1,45 = 17 miesięcy
Gwarancja: 2 lata 3 lata


As you can see from the above, purely mathematical calculation, the savings generated on using LED bulbs are very high. Please also note that these calculations concern one bulb – when replacing the entire lighting at home or office, savings will be much greater. For example, in case of replacing 10 pieces of industrial sodium bulbs to LEDs we receive annual savings of PLN 5,155.30

Writing about profits, it should be mentioned that it is not just about economics – it’s also about using better and cheaper technology that positively affects the environment. LED lamps – due to low demand for electricity – contribute to reducing the production of this energy, which directly affects the reduction of the emission of environmentally harmful carbon dioxide. LED lamps – contrary to traditional light sources – are completely free from substances harmful to life and health such as mercury, they do not emit UV and IR. LED technology is thus leading direction of energy development in the field of energy consumption reduction.

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