Greenie World Unia Europejska

Don't burn

Save money with LED lighting

Contact us
and get the calculation

Purchase LED lighting is one of the better investments

Replacement LED lighting generates such high electricity savings that the purchase is refunded only after a few months. It is an investment with a zero risk, because the return is always, no matter what lighting you choose.

Return on investment vs the risk of success

  • RISK
  • LED

Greenie Poland shares his knowledge and experience with thousands of clients in Poland and abroad

Meet the real effects
of the use of our products

The following table presents a comparison of the cost of electricity using different types of light sources. In the room number 1 used classic incandescent light bulbs, in the room number 2 fluorescent tubes, in the room number 3energy efficient LED bulbs.

Room 1


Room 2


Room 3

greenie warehouse

Trust the new technology, invest in modern LED lighting and enjoy the profits

  • 78% of new business right from the beginning assumes the use of of LED lighting
  • 13 months is the average time of return on investment for medium-sized factory

It doesn't matter what type of lighting you choose - LED technology is ALWAYS more effective

Your monthly energy bills
may fall to: 0zł

Monthly lose: 0zł

Contact us

For us, every project is unique

Please contact us – we will be happy to help